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Monday, November 23, 2009

COuntDown 6 Days @.@

姐妹开会Second Meeting in Jopin, Quensbay (16/11/09)


妈妈坚持要买一些黄金给我当嫁妆。虽然本身不喜欢,也不习惯穿金戴银,但既然妈妈一番好意,就选了项链和耳环。我们是在皇后湾的TOMEI买到的,现在916黄金的价钱是RM134 per g.

Victor's 战利品



Saturday, November 21, 2009

Be Engaged DInNer + Karaok @19/11/09

Venue: Ocean Green Seafood Restaurant

TIme: 7pm - 11pm

Opening Speech by Area Manager, cute 'ho chiu'

The performer of the night@-

Our table - all ladies .. . Yeah Great experience for me n Mei Ying for going up to the stage for singing a song - 'sha gua jiu shi wo'... what a great breakthrough for Mei Ying as she is used to be shy behind...but after tonight, all of us are impressed with her powerful voice...:)

The Drink: Whyte & MAckay - Double Marriadge Blend

The Food:

the APPERTISER - this is my most long waited dishes & my main purpose to be here...wahaha.... LOBSTER!!!

The chef have earlier extracted the lobster meat , blended it with cheese & crab meat... Love the cheesy lobster very much, though cant really taste the freshness of it...

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


