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Sunday, July 12, 2009

Celebration of yan yan's promotion

This is a special moments to celebrate. It's not easy to get promotion during this challenging time admist the financial crisis and economy slowdown. Yet, she got it! Hooray we are so proud of u - yan yan!

The Food - Thanks for the yummy treat! all of us love crabs...

The process - funny group making lots of noise at there

The people - manager yan, singer wen, artist kate, me, designer fen, boss chin...


  1. ah wei, i oso feel so proud of u..evything oso can write in ur blog..u r a talented blogger!!!keep it up!

  2. ayumi, lee chin ma so boss chin lo... forgot to include the sexytary mimi in the pic..pai se

    yan yan, my blog is just normal nia cant be famous public blogger yet...just mayb my blog carrys the warm feel only friends n ppl who close to me will appreciate.

  3. Yeah yeah.... appreciate a lot dear!! hehe.... lazy me never write blog since started working... hope one day I can be like all of you, jotting down every single life story, so nice, so sweet!!! ~~ Bravo, wei wei!!!

  4. nice entry wei wei!!
    everything is so sweet when be with our own gang~~
    gambathe in blogging, everyone!!!
