Yesterday I helped a friend to buy this wine and found out that Hai-O got sell this as well, RM58 per bottle. You can get cheaper price as low as RM50 in Traditional Chinese Pharmacy.

文家宜是英国“赫德与毕洛”酒行公司其中一款著名保健葡萄酒,“赫德与毕洛”酒行公司创立於十六世纪,主要是出产优质的葡萄酒和烈酒类。 其优良的产品在一八叁七年获得英国皇室维多利亚女皇的赏识,委任其为皇室的主要供应商之一。...
- 帮助消化
- 全身充满活力
- 加强免疫系统
- 病後快速恢复体力
- 帮助睡眠
- 消除疲劳
- 健康脸色
After I read the description, felt like to buy one bottle to myself since always felt tiring recently...hehe..It's much tasty than Dome since is is made of grapes ~
thanks ah wei for kai siow me this. I gonna finish this soon - i guess it's tomorrow :) I dun drink wine de but i can accept this one :)